Here are some middle fingers I collected over the years. Thanks to everybody who posed with me after the completion of a nice job.

A shoot in bulgaria with a lot of pussy

This one was about healthy food

Lena who is just the coolest

this one was for cosmetics that will make you live forever...."wanna live foreveeeeer"

Orange Juice with real people in Denmark

Chocolate bars in berlin

My good looking agent

The amazing Balbina

The Team after an Ivy Video. Love those fingers.

Lena in my studio, who knits her own sweaters

Sometimes I only get my finger barely in frame

Some "OLD" Talent

A really cool boyband. Some of the most energetic middle fingers so far

My favorite designer Esther

Atheist Shoes

IVY again

leather Fashion

and More Fashion

some beauty stuff that a Shampoo brand liked.



MAKE UP tutorials with a great actress

NATALIA, MY OLD FRIEND, who never visits ever except for a middle finger


and more MAKE UP

Back in the day when the sports world was still okay.

BEAUTY in cape town

TV Stuff for german TV

An editorial in Berlin AT A HIGH SCHOOL for girls

sometimes this is the reaction i get.

Fashion with a supermodel...and i had to get punished

beauty in my studio

Lingerie in MUnich. She was catholic

this is what i think about paying GEZ.

Fashion for old people

LIngerie for 70s anchor women

THIS was for computers and windows after my beloved character Joe Dirt

a BEER commercial with a great guy



a berlin EDITORIAL....before the magazine went banKrupt.

a editorial for a turkish mag

a cover for fhm....and then they went bankrupt. i guess i got that skill.

Barbara at the berlin Fashion week

a very nude shoot at the old amusement park

More fashion for old people

a turkish editorial...one of my first. it was still a democracy then.

fighter jets and swedish middle fingers for fhm

sometimes men, too.

another fhm thing. i think it was girl of the month.

copenhagen design week

cataloge fingers

my first soap star in lingerie for fhm.

if the actor is cool enough, i am fine with doing thumbs up instead

the very first one to myself....I think 2001. Look at that hair.